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Sambuhay TV Mass March 27 2016

Watch Sambuhay TV Mass March 27, 2016 full replay

Sambuhay TV Mass March 28 2016 full replay. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord—March 27, 2016. Purpose: The Gospel of John and, in a way

Sambuhay TV Mass March 27 2016
Sambuhay TV Mass March 27 2016 full replay

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord—March 27, 2016

Purpose: The Gospel of John and, in a way, the whole of the Christian story, ends with the promise of new life, and the fact that our life has true meaning. The Resurrection means that human life, however fragile, and even wounded, has meaning. The Resurrection means that our lives have meaning. The Resurrection means there is a destination; it means that Christ is both the hope, and the realization, of a life that has no fear, no doubts, and no end.

Readings: ACTS 10: 34 A, 37-43; PS 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23; COL 3: 1-4 or 1 COR 5: 6B-8; JN 20: 1-9

ACTS Catholic Prayer Community thru Agapetos Foundation, Inc. presents 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – TV Healing Mass for the Homebound at Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord, SM Megamall presided by Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP, aired lived on August 10, 2014 at Solar News Networks (Local chan 9, Skycable chan 14, Destiny chan 14, Cignal chan 10 & Cablelink chan 14) – 9:00am.

Source: Wikipedia

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